London Pubs Group


The Magdala
2a South Hill Park

The Magdala is a mid-Victorian pub that received an extensive nineteen thirties make-over. Parts of the pub have sadly been extended and modernised but many 30s features remain including buff tile facing and strips of glazing on the ground floor, an Art-Deco frieze and panelling in the room on the right of the pub, a panelled bar counter and a striking pink marble fireplace in Tudor style.

The Magdala also holds an intriguing spot in history as the location of a well documented murder. The murderer, or in this case murderess, was Ruth Ellis who was the last woman to receive capital punishment in the UK.

The murder itself took place on Easter Sunday in 1955 when Ellis shot her lover, David Blakely outside the pub. Their relationship had become increasingly abusive with Blakely having previously caused miscarriage with his fists a few months prior. Ruth Ellis was committed to death and hung on the 13 July 1955. If you're looking for the Ruth Ellis pub, this is it.

The Magdala featured on the Evening Crawl of Hampstead in April 2007, and the Walks and Wells: Evening Crawl of Hampstead in August 2013.
