London Pubs Group

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Star of the East

805a Commercial Road
E14 7HG

This pub is not only a grade II listed building, it is also on the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Local Inventory with an interior of local historic interest. A refurbishment was carried out in 2020 and the following description was written before then: "A three-storey pub with fine exterior of brick and tiles with stone filled tympana under Gothic arches with roundels containing masks and ‘The Star of the East’ cut into a glazed stone fascia. On the front left of the building is a (disused) shop that was possibly an off sales shop.

Now a single large room interior it has an inter-war panelled bar counter but the bar back appears to be modern (possibly the columns/spindles are old). The items of interest are the series of colourful coats of arms painted in half moons with much gilding just below the ceiling on the right hand wall and on the last remaining piece of wall – four on the right (which are all different) and five facing the front (four of the five are identical). Above each half moon are sculpted heads of past kings and queens hanging above them such as Queen Elizabeth I. On the right hand wall are plain mirrors in bays separated by pilasters with good capitals painted gold. The fireplace here has a modern tiled surround. The room narrows and on the rear right is a good inter-war tiled and wood surround fireplace (not used). A wall at the rear has been removed to create an area for a pool table where these is a large part slate / part wood ‘Wm. Youngers & Co Ltd 60/- Bitter Ale on Draught’ sign."

The listing description, written in 1973, is as follows: “C19. One building although now occupied as two. Red brick and tiles, central hipped slate roof with cresting. 3 storeys, 3 sets of windows. Top floor, central window of 5 lights flanked by 3 light windows. 1st floor, central window of 3 lights with 2 light flanking windows. Stone filled tympana under gothic arches to all, except top outer windows, with roundels containing masks. Plain sashes, no glazing bars. Facade with decorative tiles above impost bands. Ground floor retains pub front although part now used as cafe. Interior features.”

Note also the series of blind arches containing heraldic symbols in rather garish colours with moulded heads above – a bit of a showpiece – and the understated but charming fire surround with a cockerel in the centre tile.

The lamp standards outside the pub are also grade II listed and the listing description is as follows: “C19. 3 cast iron lamp standards with lamps bearing the inn name in front of the Star of the East Public House.”

The WhatPub link is here: WhatPub/Star of the East

The Star of the East featured on the Ornaments of the Orient: Daytime Crawl of Bow and Docklands on 24 October 2009, and the Eastern Delights: Daytime Crawl of East Ham, Plaistow, Isle of Dogs and Limehouse on 26 October 2019.