57 Allen RdStoke Newington
N16 8RY
Although this pub is not a listed building, it is a One Star pub on the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) National Inventory with an interior of special national historic interest, and the description is as follows: “Three-storey of London stock brick with a ground floor of mainly brown glazed brick with some black narrow banding. On Shakespeare Walk side there is a lobby with mosaic ‘Shakespeare’ floor and large vestibule with etched glass panels, possibly Edwardian ‘Saloon’ and others. Another entrance on Allen Road with a ‘Shakespeare’ mosaic floor and full height vestibule and a ‘Luncheon Bar’ window. Bare boarded pub with island servery. Old bar counter with console brackets having leaf decoration. Island bar back is old but has seen a lot of modern change. Possibly the bar counter moved back? Or a separate (ladies) snug at the front on the Allen Road side? Old dado panelling around interior. At the end of the Shakespeare Walk side is a marble and tiled fireplace which looks old and a corner with three-sided bare wall benches and dado back. Floor markings indicate a partition lost on the Shakespeare Walk side.”
The WhatPub link is here: WhatPub/Shakespeare
The Pub Heritage Group link is here: PHG/Shakespeare
The Shakespeare featured on the Daytime Crawl of North London on 15 October 2005, and the Doing the Hokey Kokey in Stokey: Daytime Pub Tour of Stoke Newington on 15 October 2022.
Left Side Area
Counter & Screens