33 Linton StreetIslington
N1 7DU
Although this pub is not a listed building, it is on the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Local Inventory with an interior of local historic interest, and the description is as follows: "A chaste Neo-Georgian brick pub rebuilt in 1937 by architect S.J. Funnell for Charringtons. All the internal divisions have been removed but the original three-part layout can still easily be picked out. The left-hand door on the Mary Street side used to lead to an off-sales. Inside there is a good array of two-thirds-height panelling. The counters are original, as is the bar-back in the right-hand area, still with its Charringtons’ lettering. The left-hand counter is strange in that it is brought forward yet this seems to have been the original arrangement: the bar back behind has gone in favour of a pizza oven."
The WhatPub link is here: WhatPub/Hanbury
The Hanbury has yet to feature on a LPG pub tour.
Right Hand Area