London Pubs Group

The Porcupine, Mottingham could be replaced by another Lidl in Bromley

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Over 300 local residents in Mottingham, South London, were furious on Thursday night at a public meeting with representatives from the LiDL supermarket and their local councillors and MP, ex Pubs Minister Bob Neill, to be told that the chain is intending to flatten their much-valued local pub and replace it with a retail shed.

LiDL's manager said, wrongly, at that meeting that Bromley Council had already given the go-ahead to demolish the historic building. It is believed that an inn has stood on the site since the C14th and that parts of the cellars may remain under the Porcupine dating from that time. The risk of severe damage or loss to important local archaeology is therefore key.

A demolition notice has appeared on the building today. Bromley Council have 21 days in which to respond. Sadly free-standing pubs which are not protected by heritage listing can be demolished without the need for any planning application and without consultation with the local community. CAMRA is campaigning to have this aspect of planning law changed.

As a community pub welcoming a wide variety of users from local amenity groups, as well as families and couples, singletons and groups of friends old and young, this is precisely the sort of premises championed by CAMRA and which we will fight to keep. Campaigners have already made an application to Bromley Council to have the Porcupine registered as an Asset of Community Value on Friday last week.

At a meeting between CAMRA and Bob Neill MP yesterday at Westminster, he was urged to propose that Bromley Council exercise necessary planning controls to prevent the demolition and the conversion of the building to retail use. While Pubs Minister, Bob Neill championed the use of such controls (called 'Article 4 Directions') to save pubs. CAMRA will continue to provide support and encouragement to the campaigners.

Sign the petition to have The Porcupine listed as an Asset of Community Value by Bromley Council.

Follow the campaign on Facebook Save the Porcupine page or on Twitter @PorkyMottingham

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