London Pubs Group

Kings Arms

The Kings Arms
110 Uxbridge Rd
W7 3SU

Although this pub is not a listed building, it is on the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Local Inventory with an interior of local historic interest, and the description is as follows: "This pub has a re-sited wooden arch between the former public and saloon bars; some wall panelling and some attractive glazing in the rear room.

Rebuilt in 1930. Each of the external doors led to separate rooms, with that in the centre accessing a former small private bar. The partitions creating this bar were removed in 2017, when the publican's office at the back of the servery was also lost. To the left was the public bar, behind which was a further room, but this is now occupied by a kitchen. To the right were two other rooms, divided by a surviving wooden partition, but the double doors between them have also been lost.

Most of the extensive 1930s wall panelling survives and you can spot the difference between the erstwhile public bar on the left which has simple vertical panelling, and the 'better' right hand bar which has fielded panelling. The bar-back and the counters in these areas are 2024 replacements; the counter in the area to the rear right has been lost, and the archway straddling the front of the servery has been re-sited between the former public and saloon bars. The five glazed panels that adjoined the archway at ceiling height at the rear of the servery have also been lost."

The WhatPub link is here: WhatPub/Kings Arms

The Kings Arms featured on the Daytime Crawl of Middlesex on 17 February 2007, and the Down the Uxbridge Road: Daytime Crawl of West Middlesex on 14 June 2014.