A Royal Progress: Daytime Pub Tour of Windsor & Eton
Saturday 15 March 2025.
All welcome to join the crawl, whether a CAMRA member or not.
A Word version of the tour notes is here: Word Tour Notes and a PDF version is here: PDF Tour Notes
1. Royal Windsor
Arrive: 12.00 Noon.
Address: The Royal Windsor, 77 High Street, Eton, SL4 6AF.
Real ales: Fuller’s London Pride; Windsor & Eton Knight of the Garter and Wychwood Hobgoblin Gold are normally served here.
Read about the Royal Windsor
Directions to next pub: On leaving the pub, turn left and walk to the pelican crossing. Note the charming Windsor and Eton Riverside station. This is a Grade II listed building and the listing description is as follows: “1851, architect Sir William Tite. Red brick Tudor/Gothic with blue brick diapering including date and Royal initials. Bath stone. Slate roof. Central gable with tall finial. Below this is a large four-light window. To the right of this is a porch of three pointed arches and to the left two arches with depressed heads (one now blocked and a carriage entrance.) The return wall on south east side forms a long curve, parallel with the platform, containing a series of arches with depressed heads. This wall links the station proper with the former Royal Waiting Room built for Queen Victoria, now disused. This a small building of main room and ante rooms crowned by a turret with spirelet. Tudor arched windows with canted bay to main room having pointed centre - stone dressings. Interior of main room has a ribbed ceiling with pendant finial.” Cross over Datchet Road, turn left (past the now-closed William IV pub) and walk along Datchet Road to the junction with Windsor Bridge. Turn right into Windsor Bridge and continue across the river to Brocas Street. Cross over Brocas Street to
2. George
Arrive: 12.45 PM.
Address: The George, 77 High Street, Eton, SL4 6AF.
Real ales: This pub is the official lunch stop but other pubs on the tour also serve food. The pub is in the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Good Beer Guide 2025. Windsor & Eton Guardsman and Knight of the Garter; plus two other changing seasonal Windsor & Eton ales are normally served here.
Read about the George
Directions to next pub: Turn right out of the pub and right again and continue along Brocas Street, crossing over it to
3. Watermans Arms
Arrive: 2.15 PM.
Address: The Watermans Arms, Brocas Street, Eton, SL4 6PW.
Real ales: This pub is part of a small local pub chain. Two changing real ales are normally served here.
Read about the Watermans Arms
Directions to next pub: Retrace your steps to the junction of Brocas Street and Windsor Bridge, turn right and continue along Windsor Bridge to the junction with Thames Avenue. Cross over Thames Avenue, continue straight on along Thames Street and walk along Thames Street round to the right and then up the hill to the Castle and the junction with pedestrianised Peascod Street. Cross over Peascod Street and continue along High Street to the pelican crossing. Cross over High Street, turn right and then left into Queen Charlotte Street. Walk along Queen Charlotte Street to
4. Carpenters Arms
Arrive: 3.00 PM.
Address: The Carpenters Arms, Market Street, Windsor, SL4 1PB.
Real ales: The pub is in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide 2025. Adnams Ghost Ship; Fuller’s London Pride; St Austell Nicholson’s Pale Ale and Tribute; Sharp’s Doom Bar; and Timothy Taylor Landlord are normally served here.
Read about the Carpenters Arms
Directions to next pub: On leaving the pub, turn left and continue walking along Market Street to the junction with Church Lane. Turn left and walk along Church Lane to the junction with St Alban’s Street. Turn right into St Alban’s Street and walk along St Alban’s Street to the junction with Park Street. Turn left into Park Street and walk along Park Street to
5. Two Brewers
Arrive: 3.45 PM.
Address: The Two Brewers, 34 Park Street, Windsor, SL4 1LB.
Real ales: Fuller’s London Pride; Rebellion IPA; and St Austell Tribute are normally served here.
Read about the Two Brewers
As this tour ends a bit earlier than usual, you might want to visit some other pubs for reasons other than heritage.
Windsor & Eton Brewery’s Taproom, 1-4 Vansittart Estate, Duke Street, Windsor, SL4 1SE is well worth a visit.
A Hoppy Place, 11 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3BN is Windsor’s first micropub with two real ales and amusing artwork on the walls.
The Windsor Trooper, 97 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3BZ is a favourite with the local CAMRA branch and serves a good range of real ales and ciders.